Quit Your Job, Sis

Best of Ep 5: Your Dream is Bigger Than You (Are You Being Selfish?)

Lindsay Hanson Episode 170

Hot Take: Not following your dreams is selfish. 

Okay, how can sitting at a job you hate, day in and day out, be selfish? 

Because by not living up to your full potential, you aren’t making the impact you’re meant to be making.

Let’s face it: you’re likely not changing lives by sitting behind a desk copying and pasting numbers into a spreadsheet all day. 

But imagine if you dream of being a fitness coach or starting a non-profit that helps underprivileged communities. 

Think of all the people whose lives won’t be helped if you don’t pursue those dreams on your heart. 

It's time to step outside your comfort zone and move in the direction of your dreams.

Maybe you don’t know what your dreams are yet. Maybe all you know right now is that you were made for more than a life in a cubicle, and that’s okay too. 

This episode is meant to help you shift your perspective and understand the importance of following your dreams. 

Do something this week that gets you closer to living your dream life! 

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[00:00:57] Hello, my beautiful friend. I am here today to tell you you are being selfish, okay? And bear with me here, all right? Because I say this out of love. I love you so much, and I know what you're capable of, and I know that you're not reaching your true potential right now, and I need you to know why that is selfish of you. And why it's selfish of you to still be working in a job you hate, going to a job every day that you don't find fulfilling, and not going after that dream that you have in the back of your, in the back of your mind, right? Or if you don't have a dream, you're like; I don't really know what I want to be doing with my life.

[00:01:48] So that's why I'm stuck in a job that I don't find fulfilling. Well, no, Sis. Because you could be taking the time to figure out a fulfilling career path for you, like that's, that's what my job is. I'm here for you. You can literally book a free clarity call with me to figure out a fulfilling career path for you.

[00:02:11] Um, whether you have a specific dream in mind that you're not going after right now, or you're just in a job that you don't love and haven't taken the time to figure out a fulfilling career path, you're being selfish. And you might be like, "Lindsay, how, how the heck are you going to tell me that me getting up and going to a job every day that makes me miserable is selfish?

[00:02:38] Like I'm miserable. That's not selfish. I literally hate my job. I dread Monday through Friday. Like how is that selfish of me?" And here's what I know about you, sis. Here is something that I know about you. You want to make an impact on the world. You don't feel fulfilled by your job because you're sitting at a desk copying and pasting numbers in Excel, and you're not doing anything that's actually making an impact on other people or on your clients, on the businesses that you serve.

[00:03:16] Your job could be done with or without you. You're not doing something you feel is making a meaningful impact on the world. That's why you don't feel fulfilled in your job. Let me tell you a quick story about one of my clients. Okay? She came to me; she was working in accounting, doing taxes for the big four, not feeling fulfilled by her job, and wanted to find a career path that would be more fulfilling for her.

[00:03:44] She didn't know what that was, so after a couple of coaching calls, she realized she wanted to start a nonprofit. She wants to help underprivileged kids around the world. And so here's the thing, who loses if my client doesn't go on and start that nonprofit? Who's worse off? Is it her, or is it all of those underprivileged kids who will not get the help they need?

[00:04:16] When I decided to quit my accounting job and become a fitness coach, who would have been worse off if I had not done that? Would it have been me, or would it have been all of my fitness clients who I helped, who wouldn't have gotten the help they needed to reach their fitness goals? And now, as a life coach, if I had never quit my job and become a fitness coach, and now a life coach, who would be worse off? My clients, who would stay stuck in a job they hate and never have figured out a more fulfilling career path for them? Okay? 

[00:04:56] So the truth is, by you not going after your dream, by you not starting that business, not becoming a coach, not starting that nonprofit, or not taking the time to figure out what you actually want to be doing with your life that would be fulfilling for you.

[00:05:15] You are not the one who loses. Because guess what? You're going to a cushy job every day. You're getting your paycheck every week. You're chilling. Like, yeah, you hate your job, but that's your comfort zone right now. You are just chilling in your comfort zone, soaking up your own misery because you think this is normal, even though you're not doing work that you find fulfilling.

[00:05:46] You still are just cruising. Like you have a steady paycheck every week. You go out with your friends every weekend like you are just chilling. And the reason why you haven't quit your job yet, why you haven't taken the time to find a truly fulfilling career path for you, and why you haven't gone after that dream that's in the back of your mind is because it would require you to step outside your comfort zone. It's because it requires you to take a risk and do something unknown instead of sitting at your, sitting at your job doing taxes that you don't find meaningful. But it's what you know, what you're comfortable with, and you're not willing to get uncomfortable, and that is selfish of you.

[00:06:40] You're telling me that you want to move into a career path that allows you to do work that impacts other people's lives and helps underprivileged people in some way. But by you sitting here continuing to go to a job you hate every day and not going after your dreams and deciding that you're made for more and playing bigger, and stepping outside your comfort zone, you are hurting all of those people who you say you want to be helping.

[00:07:10] Because they are the ones who lose when you play small and don't go after your dreams. I just, I, I love you so much, and I need you to know that you were put on this earth for a purpose: to make a difference in the world, make an impact, and have a positive impact on other people's lives.

[00:07:33] You were put on this earth to do that. You were not put here to sit at a desk Monday through Friday doing work that doesn't matter. And it is your responsibility to find what you're meant to be doing so that you can make the impact you're supposed to be making on the world.

[00:07:56] And it's going to require you to get uncomfortable. Yes, and it's not going to be easy. But it's your responsibility, and it's going to be worth it. And if the fact that you're going to a job that makes you miserable every day hasn't been enough to kick your butt into action yet, then stop just thinking about yourself because this is bigger than you.

[00:08:20] Think about all the people who you're supposed to be helping right now that aren't getting the help they need because you are not willing to get a little bit uncomfortable and explore options that are outside your comfort zone and maybe take a risk and quit your job and do what it takes to go after that dream.

[00:08:40] And I am not trying to minimize how awful it is that you go to a job every day that you don't love because that alone is more than enough reason for you to make a change in your life. But this is so much bigger than that. This is so much bigger than just you. When you're going to a job you hate every day and not living out your true purpose, you are doing the world a disservice.

[00:09:10] All right, my friend. I hope you take this message to heart today. Please do something this week that gets you closer to living your dream life, living out your purpose, and making the meaningful difference you are meant to make in this world.

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