

Lindsay Hanson

In 2018, Lindsay Hanson quit her accounting job just a year into her career in search of something more. In the depths of her quarter-life crisis, she knew she couldn't spend the next 40 years going to an unfulfilling job and punching numbers into a spreadsheet. And she knew there had to be a life where she could make good money doing work she loves while making a real impact on the world. So she sought out to find it.

Fast forward 3 years, and Lindsay is an online business coach, freelance digital marketer, and host of the Quit Your Job, Sis podcast. She's helped dozens of women to leave their unfulfilling corporate jobs and turn their passions into authentic & impactful online businesses. Now, she's here to share her journey and help women around the world to know that a 9-5 isn't the only path to success.